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My goal is to develop the student's full musical potential by presenting balanced repertoire, music theory, technique, and performance opportunities. I encourage the student's enjoyment of music and understanding of how it relates to everyday life skills and problem solving. I provide an encouraging and welcoming environment for learning. 


The student is to arrive at each lesson punctually, well prepared, and with all necessary materials and must schedule daily practice time without distractions.

Piano Parent

For efficient piano practice, the parent is to provide an instrument in the best possible condition, chair or bench at correct height, and adequate lighting in a location allowing uninterrupted practice. Please encourage the student to set a practice schedule and help them maintain a constant practice regimen. Check assignment schedules or notebooks weekly and review assignments. Listen to your child play and be encouraging.

Vocal Parent

For efficient vocal practice, the parent should provide a private space with adequate lighting in a location allowing uninterrupted practice. A piano or electric keyboard of any size is helpful in learning to read music, but is not required for voice lessons. Please encourage the student to set a practice schedule and help them maintain a constant practice regimen. Check assignment schedules or notebooks weekly and review assignments. Listen to the student sing …and be encouraging!

Materials for Piano Lessons

Students should have daily access to a piano or keyboard, lesson books, notebook paper or assignment schedule from website in a three-ringed binder, and a metronome. Keyboards should have 88 weighted keys, touch sensitive response, and a pedal. All current lesson books and binder with assignment sheet should be brought to every lesson, even if an assignement has not been made in each book for that week.

Students should also download the "Practice Order" located under Assignment Schedules, and keep a copy at their piano or keyboard.

Materials for Vocal Lessons

Assigned music, three ringed binder with assignment sheet or notebook paper. Assignment schedules may be downloaded from the website. Bring these items to lessons.

According to assignments and discussion with parent and student, audio files for performance and practice will be exchanged in an agreed upon format.


The monthly fee is $120.00 for four thirty-minute lessons, and is due upon the first lesson of every month. The payment should be prompt and delivered, or mailed prior to the first lesson. I do not charge extra for months with five lesson days. Therefore, I may at my discretion call an "off day" for the fifth lesson. Please pay with check or correct cash amount, Cash App or Venmo. No credit cards.  A receipt will be placed in the student's notebook to document payment of cash.

Purchase of Music

I will be responsible for the purchase of music or will send a link for the purchase of correct materials. I do recommend that parents take students to browse music stores – they may find something that spurs their interest to practice on their own aside from assigned pieces!

Missed Lessons

The student’s lesson time is to be a weekly priority. I am not obligated to make up missed lessons by the student. Missed lessons limited to illness, inclement weather, or family emergency may be made up at my discretion. Lessons will be given on snow days if travel is possible. The parent must contact me concerning a reschedule – I will not contact the parent. If the month contains a fifth lesson day, I reserve the right to replace the missed lesson with the extra fifth day in lieu of rescheduling.

Please call or text (404) 731-0148 within 24 hours to cancel or reschedule a lesson.

Lessons missed by myself will be made up or credited to the student's account. I will contact the parent concerning rescheduling lessons I may cancel.

Fifth Lessons

Four to five times a year, a month contains five lesson days. I do not charge extra for the fifth lesson, and may decide at times to call an “off” day during that month.

Practice Time

Assignments and practice are expected to have the same priority as homework. In order to progress satisfactorily, daily practice is necessary. I require a total of 30 minutes practice time per day. To help develop self-discipline and good work habits, it is suggested that a regular time for practice be set aside each day. Parents can help by seeing that this time is available and uninterrupted.

Terminating Lessons

Students are encouraged to make a time and financial commitment for a full year.  However, if the lessons are terminated, the month’s fee only will be due. Should the student take time off from lessons, their lesson slot will not be reserved.

Summer Lessons

Weekly lessons are offered year round. I also offer hour lesson opportunities throughout the summer in order that the student will have the full month lesson equivalence. 

During the Lesson

There is a comfortable space adjacent to the studio for parents. The studio door remains open, and parents are welcome to enter at any time. A chair will be provided if the parent wishes to remain in the studio for observation. Parents who monitor practice time at home may find this helpful.  Younger siblings are welcome, however should not be a distraction to the student.                                      


Piano Parent
Vocal parent
Piano materials
vocal materials
Purchase of music
Missed lessons
Fifth lessons
practice time
terminating lessons
summer lessons
visiting parents
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